ISO 8601:2004: Representation of dates and ...



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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated July 15, 2014
Created July 15, 2014
Format unknown
License other
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createdover 10 years ago
description translated{u'fi': u'Maksullinen'}
name translated{u'fi': u'ISO 8601:2004: Representation of dates and times 1.0.0'}
original languagefi
package idc80d162a-1abe-42de-bb01-cd49d265781b
qa{'updated': '2017-09-04T02:15:28.667265', 'openness_score': 0, 'archival_timestamp': None, 'format': None, 'created': '2015-06-29T16:36:12.382700', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'License not open'}
revision id123b5a6d-4ec9-4636-bf02-fee0559220be
temporal coverage from2017-01-01
temporal coverage to2017-12-31
temporal granularity{}
time series precision{}
update frequency{}