JHS 133 Hakemistotiedot ja niiden ylläpito 0.1.0
URL: http://www.jhs-suositukset.fi/suomi/jhs133
From the dataset abstract
Suosituksen tarkoituksena on määritellä sähköisen hakemiston tietosisältö ja ylläpito. Hakemisto on X.500 -pohjainen eri järjestelmien yhtenäinen mutta hajautettu tietovarasto, jota...
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Last updated | July 16, 2014 |
Created | July 16, 2014 |
Format | unknown |
License | other |
archiver | {'is_broken_printable': 'Not sure if broken', 'updated': '2016-02-01T11:07:49.646310', 'cache_filepath': None, 'last_success': None, 'size': 0L, 'is_broken': None, 'failure_count': 1, 'etag': None, 'status': 'System error during archival', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'hash': None, 'status_id': 23, 'reason': u'No value for ckanext-archiver.cache_url_root in config', 'last_modified': None, 'resource_timestamp': '2014-07-16T06:38:32.448039', 'mimetype': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2016-02-01T11:07:49.669237', 'first_failure': '2016-02-01T11:07:49.646310'} |
created | over 10 years ago |
description translated | {u'fi': u''} |
id | 2fba4ab5-3e5e-4400-b4e3-282a1c65f981 |
name translated | {u'fi': u'JHS 133 Hakemistotiedot ja niiden yll\xe4pito 0.1.0'} |
original language | fi |
package id | 6b949a03-ddd6-4014-88e1-bd1be5695b93 |
qa | {'updated': '2017-09-04T02:16:52.779066', 'openness_score': 0, 'archival_timestamp': None, 'format': None, 'created': '2015-06-29T16:37:48.714239', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'License not open'} |
revision id | 4344aae3-96c5-4fb2-baa0-cd0ab860e8bd |
state | active |
temporal coverage from | 2017-01-01 |
temporal coverage to | 2017-12-31 |
temporal granularity | {} |
time series precision | {} |
update frequency | {} |