URL: https://data.lamk.fi/docs/services/curriculums/
Opetussuunnitelmat (curriculum) -rajapinta sisältää opetussuunnitelman kuvaustiedot, tiedot ajoitussuunnitelmista ja opintopoluista sekä listan rakennenäkymiä.
There are no views created for this resource yet.
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Last updated | June 12, 2018 |
Created | June 12, 2018 |
Format | JSON/REST |
License | cc-by-4-fi |
created | over 6 years ago |
description translated | {u'fi': u'Opetussuunnitelmat (curriculum) -rajapinta sis\xe4lt\xe4\xe4 opetussuunnitelman kuvaustiedot, tiedot ajoitussuunnitelmista ja opintopoluista sek\xe4 listan rakennen\xe4kymi\xe4.', u'en': u'The curriculums (curriculum) API contains the descriptions of curriculums, information on the scheduling plans and study paths, as well as a list of structure views. ', u'sv': u''} |
format | JSON/REST |
id | 074a8641-65be-4571-80a0-0e8a4ff40687 |
name translated | {u'fi': u'Opetussuunnitelmat', u'en': u'Curriculums', u'sv': u''} |
package id | 4364f2d0-3a19-44ab-b804-bb63f065cc8a |
revision id | 26c6cf93-7e40-45fc-a510-ea3776bff283 |
state | active |
temporal granularity | {u'fi': u'', u'en': u'', u'sv': u''} |
time series precision | {} |
update frequency | {u'fi': u'', u'en': u'', u'sv': u''} |