SFS-EN ISO 3166-1 Maiden ja niiden ...
URL: http://sales.sfs.fi/servlets/ProductServlet?action=showproduct&productid=149913
Maksullinen. Liittyy suosituksiin JHS 124 Sektoriluokitus 2000 ja JHS 143 Asiakirjojen kuvailun ja hallinnan metatiedot
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Last updated | August 25, 2014 |
Created | August 25, 2014 |
Format | HTML |
License | other |
created | over 10 years ago |
description translated | {u'fi': u'Maksullinen. Liittyy suosituksiin JHS 124 Sektoriluokitus 2000 ja JHS 143 Asiakirjojen kuvailun ja hallinnan metatiedot '} |
format | HTML |
id | e3369ccc-bd38-4873-8ae5-1009e9bce629 |
name translated | {u'fi': u'SFS-EN ISO 3166-1 Maiden ja niiden osa-alueiden nimien tunnukset'} |
original language | fi |
package id | 654e0cb0-0f94-40ec-b23e-c826a21b1aae |
qa | {'updated': '2017-09-04T03:06:23.394743', 'openness_score': 0, 'archival_timestamp': None, 'format': u'HTML', 'created': '2015-06-29T16:46:46.901645', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "html" receives score: 0.'} |
revision id | 518ef68e-be28-44c9-8a89-fd73632e2a2f |
state | active |
temporal coverage from | 2017-01-01 |
temporal coverage to | 2017-12-31 |
temporal granularity | {} |
time series precision | {} |
update frequency | {} |