List of meteorological stations (XML)
Each point of Measure expones these attribute: code, name, shortname, elevation, latitude, longitude, startdate, enddate. If enddate attribute is null its mean that the station is active, else this station does not exist (has only past data).
Ende nuk ka faqe të krijuara për këtë lloj burimi.
Informata shtesë
Fusha | Vlera |
Ndryshimi i fundit | Tetor 25, 2017 |
U krijua | Tetor 26, 2017 |
Formati | XML |
Licenca | Creative Commons Attribution |
created | over 7 years ago |
distribution format | XML |
format | XML |
id | 6e543b91-7d8e-42f1-98d1-5ba96071d6f6 |
last modified | over 7 years ago |
package id | 0731d280-486f-4d62-abef-2b2d9a34dfe3 |
revision id | c832b2d6-f9d7-4ea1-a9e7-5d0e0546d1ee |
size | 65,4 KiB |
state | active |
webstore last updated | None |
webstore url | None |