Ende nuk ka faqe të krijuara për këtë lloj burimi.

Informata shtesë

Fusha Vlera
Ndryshimi i fundit Maj 4, 2016
U krijua Maj 4, 2016
Formati XLSX
Licenca cc-by-4.0
archiver{'is_broken_printable': 'Not sure if broken', 'updated': '2016-05-04T12:59:35.326630', 'cache_filepath': None, 'last_success': None, 'size': 0L, 'is_broken': None, 'failure_count': 2, 'etag': None, 'status': 'System error during archival', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'hash': None, 'status_id': 23, 'reason': u'No value for ckanext-archiver.cache_url_root in config', 'last_modified': None, 'resource_timestamp': '2016-05-04T09:59:11.075747', 'mimetype': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2016-05-04T12:59:18.120318', 'first_failure': '2016-05-04T12:59:18.059730'}
createdover 8 years ago
description translated{u'fi': u'Oulun Serviisin asiakkaat/ Koulut, p\xe4iv\xe4kodit, hoivakodit, henkil\xf6st\xf6ravintolat, kotiinkuljetettavat ateriat'}
name translated{u'fi': u'Oulun Serviisin asiakkaat'}
original languagefi
package idc32c00d3-b285-4e63-8a12-f8a74dfb3149
qa{'updated': '2017-09-04T02:51:21.657173', 'openness_score': 2, 'archival_timestamp': None, 'format': u'XLSX', 'created': '2016-05-04T12:59:19.648814', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "XLSX" receives score: 2.'}
revision idf48cbb5b-4db0-4516-a7db-15584a166549
temporal coverage from2017-01-01
temporal coverage to2017-12-31
temporal granularity{}
time series precision{}
update frequency{}